Ibiza club tickets

Ibiza club tickets

During your stay in Ibiza, it is strongly recommended to buy pre-sale Ibiza club tickets. On the one hand, you will save money since prices at the door are more expensive. And on the other hand, you will then be sure to attend the party. Indeed, some events are often sold-out, and this despite the impressive size of the clubs.

The average price of Ibiza club tickets is usually 50€ in pre-sale, but some highly popular parties can reach 70 or even 90€ during high season (Elrow, Music On, FMIF, …).

Why should you book your « Ibiza holidays » with Ibiza Experience ?

- Your Ibiza club tickets are already included in your package

- Guaranteed access to the venues (parties) chosen

Two weeks prior to your departure, you will choose your Ibiza club tickets for the events you would like to attend. Then, we will send your electronic tickets by e-mail, together with all the information regarding your reservation.


Plan your next trip to Ibiza

For more than 10 years, Ibiza Experience has been offering complete stays that include transportation, accommodation, private transfers, a variety of activities, as well as club tickets.

Through the years, we have in fact developed a partnership with all the clubs in Ibiza, including major clubs like Ushuaia, Hï Ibiza, Pacha, Privilege, or Amnesia, or clubs like Destino, Sankeys, Heart, DC10, Eden, Es Paradis, or Benimussa Park. An important point to be noted: all the club tickets that we are distributing guarantee you access to the event, regardless of the event and regardless of the affluence.

Ibiza Experience is also one of the rare travel agencies to have an on-site team to welcome customers, to give them any advice as requested, as well as to offer any assistance as necessary.

Therefore, for any stay in Ibiza with family or friends, please contact us for a free quote:

Tel : +33 (0)4 82 53 79 33
Mail : contact@ibiza-experience.com
Web : http://www.ibiza-experience.com/en/

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